
Showing posts from June, 2019
Exactly the same age:   
Actor Bob Cummings was also a pilot. He was trained to fly by his godfather... His godfather was, of course, Orville Wright.
     Margaret Rutherford and Tony Benn were cousins.
Kenneth Branagh and Rupert Everett, Another Country, by Julian Mitchell, 1981.
The redesign of the San Francisco Public Library in the 1990s drastically reduced shelf space. Administrators planned to cull thousands of books and send them to a landfill. Books were to be chosen based on how long they had gone without being checked out. To save as many books as possible, heroic librarians snuck into the stacks at night and stamped threatened books with false withdrawal dates!
No surprise that Streep was nominated for this role, but Simon Helberg SHOULD have been nominated for the role of the piano player. At least he won the Virtuoso's  Award at the Santa Barbara Film Festival!
“Do I contradict myself? Very well, then, I contradict myself; I am large -- I contain multitudes.”  Happy 200th birthday Walt Whitman. May 31, 1819