
Showing posts from September, 2019
"It's a Sicilian message. Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes." I have watched The Godfather at least once a year for the last twenty years plus. The line is spoken while the camera focuses on the fish wrapped in the bullet-proof vest, resting on Santino's lap. The speaker is off camera. I have always assumed it was spoken by Tessio. I read this morning it was Clemenza. So I just watched it again. It doesn't even SOUND like Tessio! What kind of fool am I?!
There are rumors percolating about a possible remake of The Princess Bride, along with concomitant righteous indignation. If a remake were to happen there are two possible outcomes: 1. It sucks, and we can all gloat in our superior world view and artistic sensibility. Or 2. The remake is actually good and we all have to exercise our brains and adjust to the idea that more than one good thing can exist at once. First of all, it must be remembered that the Rob Reiner 1987 film is itself an adaptation of  William Goldman's 1973 novel. The novel was beloved by many long before the film arrived. And more than a few fans were less than than happy with the result. Wouldn't it be interesting to see an adaptation in which Prince Humperdinck more closely resembled the short, barrel-like royal of the written work? While I love the clownish Vizzini of Wallace Shawn, wouldn't it be interesting to see the Sicilian played with a genuinely threatening intelligence? Or a Westley convinci
When Gene Wilder was 8 years old, his mother was diagnosed with Rheumatic Fever. Her doctor told Gene to "try to make her laugh." The start of his career.
“My biggest regret in life is saving David Frost from drowning”. -- Peter Cook