
Showing posts from May, 2021

Murray Slaughter

On The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Murray Slaughter's (Gavin MacLeod) daughter was played by a young Helen Hunt.


 Come on, it's not that far...

Poet Prince

 I love that the kid at the far right wrote  "Six o'clock already, I was just in the middle of a dream/ I was kissing Valentino, by a crystal blue Italian stream."

Books of Wonder edition

Watched an interview with some politician. In front of the obligatory bookcase. Eclectic or hastily cobbled together. Almost hidden over his shoulder? The Books of Wonder edition of Tik Tok of Oz!

The same movie



 Julianna Margulies' father was the advertising guy who wrote "Plop, plop, fizz, fizz. Oh what a relief it is!"

The Stars' Tennis Balls

"We are merely the stars' tennis balls, struck and bandied which way please them."   John Webster, The Duchess of Malfi

Tom's Restaurant

Broadway & 112th Monk's Diner on Seinfeld Inspiration for Tom's Diner by Suzanne Vega.

Falstaff & Henry

Imagining a production of Henry V in which the chorus is Falstaff. The voices are vastly different of course, but momentarily interesting.

Tom Hanks as Falstaff


School of Rock

 This guy: Is now this guy: Lucas Babin, Spider in School of Rock,  is now District Attorney of Tyler County, Texas.

Favorite Supreme Court decisions

I can never decide between Zachinni v. Scripps-Howard or Sid & Marty Krofft v. McDonald's. The first, the ground-breaking Personality Rights decision stemming from a lawsuit brought against the media corporation Scripps-Howard by human cannonball Hugo Zachinni. The court upheld the position that the corporation's first and fourteenth amendment rights did not supersede the plaintiff's ownership of his act. This ruling later proved invaluable to such titans of the arts as Vanna White. The second case, Krofft v. McDonald's, went deeper into the Arts, simultaneously affecting the world of Saturday morning children's programming and that ot fast food advertising. An agency, bidding on a McDonald's contract, approached the Kroffts with an idea to use the characters from HR Pufnstuff to promote the fast food giant. After many meetings with the Kroffts and their creatives, the firm announced that the deal had fallen through. In fact, the firm had won the contract an

Georgy Girl

 The lyrics to the song Georgy Girl were written by actor Jim Dale, the star of Barnum on Broadway, countless Carry On films, and Pete's Dragon J

Mrs. Roper and Brooks Hatlin

 Audra Lindley and James Whitmore were married.

Release the Kraken

The phrase "Release the Kraken" comes from the film Clash of the Titans (1981; remade in 2010), a retelling of Greek mythology. The films tell the story of Perseus, exiled by the king of Argos. Perseus' father, Zeus, retaliates by sending the Kraken to destroy Argos. Thing is the Kraken doesn't exist in Greek mythology. The creature is Scandinavian. Lives off the coast of Norway.