
Showing posts from November, 2021

Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!

 "Is that a new suit you're wearing? Why it's sharper than a page of Oscar Wilde witticisms that have been rolled up into a point, sprinkled with lemon juice and jabbed into someone's eye!"

Double Feature

 Someone at Turner Classic Movies chose to pair The Long Long Trailer with Lost in America. Well played!

Time Bandits

 Fidget: "We thought you were the Supreme Being!" Kevin: "You mean God?" Fidget: "Well, we don't know how Hom that well."

A puzzlement.

 Waking in the middle of the night to watch KieÅ›lowski's The Double Life of Veronique, followed by Bergman's Persona. A double feature about doubles, real and imagined. I may never sleep again. Twice.

Young Sheldon

 Wally Shawn just sang 'Blood on the Saddle'!    


 Dumbledore was right and kind to allow Sybil Trelawney to remain on campus after Dolores Umbridge so cruelly fired her, but I do hope he replaced her as Professor of Divination. She may posess the gift itself, but not that of teaching it!

On the set of The Birds


Springsteen's choice

 Colbert asked Springsteen: "If you could listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?" This was his excellent answer:

Cranberry Sauce

  I was in my late twenties before I saw cranberry sauce that was not can-shaped.

Bingo Long

 Darth Vader and Lando Calrissian played together on a barnstorming ex-Negro League baseball team in the 1930s.