
Showing posts from June, 2022

Don't Give Up

 Peter Gabriel was inspired to write this song of desperation and support by the Depression era photography of Dorothea Lange. He first approached Dolly Parton to sing the duet with him, and when she declined, turned to his friend Kate Bush


 In 1935, children's author and pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupery crashed his plane in the Sahara Desert. In 1940, children's author and pilot Roald Dahl crashed his plane in the Sahara Desert.

Dirk Bogarde in Death in Venice



  I spent my childhood in the Studio Arena Theatre in Buffalo NY. Before it was Studio Arena it was Town Casino. A few decades before my time, there was a guy who used to spend a lot of time in the casino, whenever things got too hot for him back home in Chicago. Al Capone.


  At Birkenau, there was a clandestine children's library--eight books that were constantly moved around and hidden from the guards.

The kindess of strangers

 The prison in Suicide Squad is Belle Reve, built on the failed plantation of the DuBois family, from A Streetcar Named Desire.

Page to Screen

Adapting any novel to a film means many changes, large and small. Making the story more visual, simplifying the plot, changing character names to better suit casting, changing locations... Any number of changes are unsurprising in a change of medium. But some are entirely pointless. In adapting the novel The Dark Fields into the film Limitless, the name of the mind-expanding drug was changed from MDT-48 to NZT-48.

The Sorbonne

 Aaron Copland and Harold Clurman were roommates while studying at the Sorbonne.

Harry Potter

 I love the Potter books and movies. I do.  Rowling is a brilliant storyteller and created a complex and thoughtful mythos! But this element is just stupid!


 Watching an episode of the Joan Hickson Miss Marple was struck by the actor playing a character "from Idaho," who  thinks folks from that state speak with a broad East Texas drawl.

Ibsen and Benchley

Of course Jaws was inspired by An Enemy of the People!