
Showing posts from July, 2024

Perfect Day

In 2010, Susan Boyle was to perform a cover of Lou Reed's Perfect Day on America's Got Talent. Just hours before her performance she received word that Lou Reed refused to give permission for her to cover the song. As there was no time to rehearse a new song, her appearance was summarily canceled. Within days, Lou Reed himself released a statement that he had had nothing to do with the decision. Further, within weeks, Reed not only gave permission for Boyle to include the song on her album The Gift, but stepped forward to produce the video himself. Lawyers.

Pinter, Knowles, Streep, Irons, Reisz...

 The beauty, the elegance of Pinter's screenplay for The French Lieutenant's Woman. Ambiguity of every kind except the moral..

A King of Infinite Space

 " O God, I could be bounded in a nutshell, and count myself a king of infinite space—were it not that I have bad dreams."


 If you look up Medea in Wikipedia, you get this helpful clarification: " For the 21st-century comedy film character created by Tyler Perry, see  Madea ."