
Showing posts from February, 2021

Matthew Modine

 I had an acting teacher once who HATED Matthew Modine. Every criticism was supported with comparison to Modine. Never saw reason to disagree.

Don Giovanni

When Don Giovanni premiered in Prague in 1787, Casanova was very probably in the audience.

Turtle Diary

An old favorite. Glenda Jackson, Ben Kingsley, Harold Pinter, Michael Gambon, Harriet Walter, Eleanor Bron, Richard Johnson, Nigel Hawthorne, Peter Capaldi, Jeroen Krabbe...

Tom Courtenay & Eileen Atkins

"Struggle and survival..."

Metallica Round Midnight

 Jazz legend Dexter Gordon was Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich's godfather.

Nina Simone

 Happy Birthday!!

Sally Bowles

 Lucky enough to see Natasha Richardson in the role in 98. Love Liza as I do, I think Natasha's Sally truer in spirit to Isherwood. As was Julie Harris.  Defeated, not plucky. Hope to be sure. But ultimately misplaced. We look at Liza and know she will be a star. We look at Richardson's Sally and know she is going nowhere.

Michael Kitchen

Before he was DCI Foyle, he was Edmond the Bastard in the BBC King Lear.

Pierre Boulle

  Wrote both The Bridge on the River Kwai and Planet of the Apes. Pick a lane.

Law & Order : ABCDEFG

 Surely, the next instalment of the Law & Order franchise will be Law & Order: IA. Internal Affairs. Cops busting cops. Just when they thought it was safe to go back to the precinct.


 Carolyn (Ali) Espey, the model in the video Too Shy, by Kajagoogoo, is married to Dennis Miller?

Alan Bennett

 "The best moments in reading are when you come across something - a thought, a feeling, a way of looking at things - which you had thought special and particular to you. And now, here it is, set down by someone else, a person you have never met, someone even who is long dead. And it is as if a hand has come out and taken yours."                                              


1937. Hamlet at the Old Vic. Olivier played Hamlet, Michael Redgrave, Laertes.  Olivier announced at the curtain call: "Ladies and gentlemen, tonight a great actress has been born. Laertes has a daughter." Vanessa.

Wings of Desire

Walking with Homer in No Man's Land.

Star Trek VI The Undiscovered Country

"Adam and Eve Expelled from Paradise" - Marc Chagall  This hangs on the wall of Spock's quarters

Mark Twain

Samuel Clemens used the pseudonym Mark Twain from 1863 until his death in 1910.  47 years. Hal Holbrook portrayed Mark Twain from 1966 until his retirement in 2017.  51 years. Hal Holbrook was Mark Twain longer than Mark Twain was.